I’ve known Francesca since she started GoGet more than four years ago in Malaysia. The progress she made over the years, both in terms of the business and personally, have been impressive.
Most admirably, she has remained steadfast in her vision and purpose for GoGet: bringing fair and fulfilling employment to the masses. Over the years, the team began to figure out how to deliver value to the businesses: initially small and medium businesses, and increasingly large companies as well. The team has struck the right balance between the demand and supply sides of the equation, while building a sustainable business. And GoGet is now ready to scale, which is where we come in.
The secular trends are more favorable than ever. As we entered 2020, businesses were already transforming and preparing for a more digital future. The pandemic accelerated the pace and removed any question about the need for a more efficient and flexible workforce. The challenge for the enterprise is not only about building a flexible workforce, but also ensuring quality and compliance.
GoGet has built a community of workers that are ready for specific job roles, and in many cases, trained to the standards and requirements of particular employers. They access a variety of available jobs and pick up paid hours that fit their personal needs. On the other end of the equation, employers gain access to a group of ready employees that extend their capacities on demand. Underpinning the demand and supply is a platform that ensures seamless management of the relationships: payment, quality assurance, job progress, workflow integration etc.
There is more to be done (always!), and GoGet has only just gotten off the starting block. The problem GoGet is solving is not just a technical one, but there are also a ton of design questions around incentivization, motivation, job design, and the fundamental desire of humans to want to feel valued.
This is also a space with many existing players, many of which are founded by respected and valued friends. I believe the market is big enough - and the need pressing enough - that more than one player will thrive and do well. I certainly hope that GoGet will be the preferred partner for many workers and employers, and perhaps just that much more successful than its peers. Regardless, society will be better because of these entrepreneurs.
We are excited about what lies ahead. Can’t wait to get started.
